Wednesday, 26 March 2014

On Using 'completeissues' to revise for your Language Exam

Step 1: Click on the above link
Step 2: You will need to sign in - you can get the login details from your English teacher or email to be emailed them.
Step 3: Click on 'browse'. This will take you to a page where you can access a whole range of non fiction texts that you can use for practice questions.
Step 4: Choose an article
Step 5: Read it.
Step 6: Decide which question it is best for.
Step 7: Have a go at doing an exam style answer for the question
Step 8: Give it to your English teacher for feedback.

A reminder of the questions:
Q1) Explain what you learn about in the text (8 marks, 12 minutes)
Q2) Explain how the headline, subheadline and image link to the text (8marks, 12 minutes)
Q3) Explain some of the thoughts and feelings the writer has in the text (8 marks, 12 minutes)
Q4) Compare the language used in 2 of the articles (16 marks, 24 minutes)

If you are not sure whether the question is appropriate for the article, send it to your English teacher to have a look at and ask them which question you should be using it for.
In the mean time:

1) Read the article and work out the following things:
2) Who is the intended audience? How do you know?
3) What is the purpose of the article? How do you know?
4) Find as many language devices in the article as you can- highlight them and note down what you would say about them
5) What genre is the text? How do you know?
6) If you had to write about the presentation of the text, what things would you pick out and what would you say about them?

The more practice like this that you, the better grade you will come out with. Remember, if you need any help at all, leave a comment, email your teacher/go and see them or use the English Clinic on a Thursday lunchtime in S12 12:45-1:15.

Good luck - work hard, and you will succeed.

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